Azure DevOps – Move a Git repo between projects

There are many situations where you want to make a copy of a repository…

  • You’ve been working on a personal repo and want to share it with work
  • You’re contributing to an open source project and need to fork
  • You’ve been working on a repo that you want to hand-over to a customer

It’s the last situation that I need to fulfill and the steps are as follows.

In the source repo;

  1. Create a personal access token (don’t forget to copy it)
  2. Copy the source repo URL

In the destination repo;

  1. Select Repos
  2. Select the drop down the repo list
  3. Select Import repository
  1. Clone URL = source repo URL
  2. Select the Requires authorization check-box
  3. Username = username of the personal access token created above
  4. Password = generated password of the personal access token created above
  5. Name = name of the destination repo (if different)
  6. Click import

Once the process is complete you’ll receive an on-screen and email notification.

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